Each week we publish a list of the latest planning applications related to the six council wards in West Leeds.
The following applications were published on the Leeds City Council website in the past seven days:
Armley Ward
- Tree works, Vicarage, Christ Church, Armley Ridge Road, Armley Leeds LS12 3LE.
- Tree works, Elmdene, Houghley Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2DT.
- Tree works, Christ The King Church, Houghley Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2DX.
- Demolition of existing garage; construction of detached garden room, 185 Armley Ridge Road, Armley, Leeds LS12 2QY.
- Single storey rear extension, 3 Westfield Avenue, Armley, Leeds LS12 3SJ.
- Change of use from C3 dwellinghouse to C4 House of Multiple Occupation, with new windows to basement and lightwell with retaining walls; new ground and first floor windows to rear; new rooflight to front; bike shed and bin store to front, 1 Edinburgh Grove, Armley, Leeds LS12 3RL.
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey side extension, 4 Fairfield Close, Bramley, Leeds LS13 3ED.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension, 11 Summerfield Place, Bramley, Leeds LS13 1AW.
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Tree works, Garage Site Next To 27 Airedale Mount, Rodley, Leeds LS13 1JD.
- Tree works, 64 Woodhall Lane, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 5NY.
- 6.00m single storey rear extension, 4.00m to ridge height and 3.00m to eaves, 68 Peckover Drive, Pudsey, Leeds LS28 8EF.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an outbuilding to the rear, 103 Rodley Lane, Rodley, Leeds LS28 5QH.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to the gable, dormer window to the rear and rooflight to the front, 105 Peckover Drive, Pudsey LS28 8EQ.
Farnley & Wortley Ward
- None submitted.
Kirkstall Ward
- Demolish existing garage to rear; single storey side/rear extension; two side windows at ground floor level, 124 Eden Crescent, Burley, Leeds LS4 2TR.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a single storey rear extension, 14 Moor Grange Rise, West Park, Leeds LS16 5BP.
- First floor rear extension, 32 Eden Crescent, Burley, Leeds LS4 2TW.
Pudsey Ward
- Construction of a Sixth Form College at land West of Kent Road with new vehicular and pedestrian access and parking NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 22/08014/FU, land west of Kent Road, Pudsey.
Decided applications
Here are the planning applications decided by Leeds City Council this week:
Armley Ward
- Consent, agreement or approval required by Conditions 9 and 10 to Planning Application 24/01179/FU, Former Site Of 59 Hill Top Road, Armley, Leeds LS12 3PY.
- Single storey extension to rear of existing detached garage, 11 Westvale Mews, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2HD.
- Two storey side extension incorporating salon nail and spa to ground floor with flat above and bin enclosure to rear, 138 Stanningley Road, Leeds LS12 2RF.
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 9 and 10 to planning application 20/03244/FU, Land To Rear Of 533 Stanningley Road, Leeds LS13 4EN.
- Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to previously approved planning application 24/00160/FU (Detached dwelling with associated parking) for the addition of two dormer windows to rear, 11 Fernbank Gardens, Stanningley Leeds LS13 1BP.
- Change of use from office E(g) to pet crematorium (sui generis); addition of new doors to rear, exterior flue stack, external lift and steps, and associated car parking, Former ACF Centre, Railsfield Rise, Bramley, Leeds LS13 3AA.
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Tree works, Leylands, St Wilfrids Street, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5RQ.
- Enlargement of garage to include car parking and bike storage; new steps to side/rear, 147 Carr Road, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5RT.
- Single storey extension to rear, 501 Bradford Road, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 8EE.
Farnley & Wortley Ward
- Tree works, Rear Of Holly Farm, 1C Back Lane, New Farnley, Leeds LS12 5HN.
- Gable roof extension to rear; first floor rear extension incorporating a balcony and balustrade to rear; removal of ground floor window and repositioning of entrance door to front; new window at ground floor to front; removal of dormers and replacement with new three new dormers; raised decking area rear; new gate to side of dwelling; removal of ground floor side window and replacement with a new entrance and door; infill of existing entrance door to rear; replace two ground floor rear windows with new windows; replacement of ground floor rear window with bi folding doors, Uplands Cottage, Back Lane, New Farnley, Leeds LS12 5HL.
- Removal of existing first floor office and external staircase to side and erection of new first floor extension to form enlarged office with a new external staircase to other side and repositioning of two existing car parking spaces, Troydale Garage, Troydale Lane, Pudsey, LS28 9LD.
- Demolition of existing dwelling; redevelopment to provide 10 dwellings comprising a pair of semi-detached houses and 8 apartments in 2 blocks with associated access, parking, hard and soft landscaping works, Hillycroft, Gildersome Lane, Gildersome, Morley, Leeds LS27 7BL.
Kirkstall Ward
- Tree works, 11 The Rise, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3EP.
- Single storey side/rear extension, 23 Quarry Bank Court, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3NT.
- Change of use of existing retail unit with flat over, to form new ground floor flat; removal of door and signage to front and bin store to rear, 14 Beechwood Crescent, Burley, Leeds LS4 2LL.
- Two balconies, with glass balustrades to rear; demolition of existing balconies, 12 Woodhall Avenue, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3LH.
Pudsey Ward
Retrospective change of use of first and second floor from offices into two dwellings, 8 Church Lane, Pudsey, Leeds LS28 7BD.
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