Each week we publish a list of the latest planning applications related to the six council wards in West Leeds.
The following new applications were published on the Leeds City Council website in the past seven days:
Armley Ward
- Retrospective application, for alterations to erection of two units, Golden Lion, 204A Armley Road, Armley, Leeds LS12 2QN.
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- Tree works, 74 Broad Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2AH.
- Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Planning Application 21/08956/FU, 372 Broad Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2AH.
- 3.6m single storey rear extension, 2.9m to ridge height and 2.4m to eaves, 23 Fernbank Drive, Bramley, Leeds LS13 1BZ.
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for an extension to the gable and dormer window to rear, 10 Croft Avenue, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5HB.
- Tree works, Sherwood House, Thornhill Drive, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5QW.
- Single storey rear extension to create three additional consulting rooms, 40A And 41A Salisbury Street, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5PY.
- Dormer windows to front and rear, 44 Daleside Grove, Pudsey, LS28 8HF.
- Certificate of Proposed Lawful Development for a dormer window to the rear; rooflights to front, 20 Sunfield Gardens, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 6RH.
Farnley & Wortley Ward
- Part two storey part single storey side/rear extension incorporating canopy to front; demolition of existing garage, 15 Kirkdale Crescent, Farnley, Leeds LS12 6AY.
- Single storey side and rear extension with alterations to create first floor and Solar panels to roof, 18 Walsh Lane, New Farnley, Leeds LS12 5EJ.
- Consent, agreement or approval required by conditions 4, 5 and 8 of Planning Application 22/03563/FU, 109 Ring Road, Lower Wortley, Leeds LS12 6AA.
Kirkstall Ward
- Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to previously approved planning application 22/02808/FU for new door to side elevation, 29 Ghyll Road, Leeds LS6 3LY.
Pudsey Ward
- 6.00 single storey rear extension, 3.40m to ridge height and 2.60m to eaves, 29 Wellstone Gardens, Swinnow, Leeds LS13 4EF.
- Replace existing grounds floor rear window and door with Bi-fold doors; change side door to a window; relocate side window, 16 Regency Park Road, Pudsey, LS28 8PW.
Decided applications
Here are the planning applications decided by Leeds City Council this week:
Armley Ward
- Erection of 27 new build houses and one block of 23 apartments, new vehicular access and associated works, Tower Works, Moorfield Road, Armley, Leeds LS12 3RS.
Bramley & Stanningley Ward
- One new dwelling – NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO 21/01175/FU, 344 Broad Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2HF.
- Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of previous approval 22/05484/FU for alterations to the elevations to allow for stonework to ground floor sides and rear, 46 Newlay Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2BA.
- Alterations to both properties including two-storey side extensions; single storey rear extensions; two storey front extensions, Park Vue & Bethune, Intake Lane, Bramley, Leeds LS28 6PL.
- Tree works, 35 Copper Beech Avenue, Bramley, Leeds LS13 2BF.
Calverley & Farsley Ward
- Tree works, 151 Town Street, Rodley, Leeds LS13 1HW.
- Part single/part two storey extension to rear, 10 Croft Avenue, Farsley, Pudsey LS28 5HB.
- Two storey rear extension; single storey rear extension; dormer window to rear, 9 Woodhall Park Grove, Stanningley, Pudsey LS28 7HB.
- Single storey front extension; single storey side extension incorporating rooms in new roof space; alterations to form additional rooms in existing roof space; new roof lights; external staircase to side, Hillfoot Surgery, 126 Owlcotes Road, Pudsey, LS28 7QR.
- Development of four detached houses with integral garages, Land To The Rear Of 3 Crowther Avenue, Calverley, Pudsey LS28 5SA.
Farnley & Wortley Ward
- Development of 22 apartments and 5 houses, including ground floor car parking, landscaping and access, Land Adjacent To The South Of Whitehall Road, Whitehall Road, New Farnley, Leeds LS12 5SN.
Kirkstall Ward
- Tree works, 9 Abbey Gorse, Kirkstall, Leeds LS5 3DD.
Pudsey Ward
- Determination for 5G 17m high slim line monopole, supporting 6 antennas, 1 wraparound equipment cabinet at the base of the monopole, 2 equipment cabinets, 1 electric meter cabinet and ancillary development thereto, Grassed Area At Littlemoor Gardens, Pudsey, Leeds LS28 8AS.
- Change of Use of Garden Room to Nail and Beauty Salon, 23 Tennyson Street, Pudsey, LS28 9HA.
- Consent, agreement or approval of condition 4 of planning application 18/07869/FU, 28 Roker Lane, Pudsey, LS28 9HW.