Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsWatch: West Leeds piano prodigy plays 'We'll Meet Again' for NHS

Watch: West Leeds piano prodigy plays ‘We’ll Meet Again’ for NHS

Child prodigies are rare, but 10-year-old William Nguyen fits firmly into this category, writes Jo Fiddes.

It was only 20 months ago he first touched a keyboard. Initially, he learnt to play by ear, listening to music and working out how to play it.

The staff at Castleton Primary School in New Wortley soon spotted his talent and arranged for him to have weekly piano lessons.

“It was clear William had a very special talent,” said Alistair Darnell, co-head teacher at Castleton. “School funded a piano for him so he could practice at home.

“When we delivered it the lifts in the high rise were out of order so the caretaker and I had to carry it up the stairs – to the thirteenth floor!”

The practice paid off and last September William successfully auditioned for Saturday Music School at the Leeds College of Music and Sunday Music School at Yorkshire Young Musicians.

He has recently been accepted into Chetham’s School of Music on a full bursary.  William said:

“My weekends have been very busy but I can see the rewards of my hard work. I’d like to say thank you to school and everyone who supports me to progress to achieve my goals.

“I love playing the piano and I love the song ‘We’ll Meet Again‘.

“It’s really beautiful and even more meaningful at this time because people need to be cheered up and helped to believe in the future because better days are on their way.

“Captain Tom is one of my heroes and he raised money for the NHS. It would be great if people saw my playing and gave some money too.”

Co-head teacher, Andrea Riley said:

“William is one of Castleton’s most amazing pupils. As well as his tremendous musical talent, he also has a heart of gold, as demonstrated by this fundraising effort.”

William and his proud mum Thiet.

Last word goes to William’s proud mum, Thiet. She added:

“Happiness is when you realise that your kids are turning out to be good people. I am so proud of William – he asked if he could play a song to raise money for the NHS. A child of ten coming up with an idea like that – it’s made me feel really happy and blessed.”

Check out the We’ll Meet Again NHS Fundraiser.


  1. Absolutely fabulous young man. I hope he does well in his future life as a music student. And also full credit to Castletown Primary for recognising and encouraging his talent.


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