Join Friends of Stanningley Park for a coffee morning on Sunday, 26 May from 11am.
Come along for a chat, meet Councillor Adele Rae (Lab, Bramley & Stanningley), discuss ideas and find out about volunteering.
Members will be outside the bowling club from 11am. There will be cakes and plants for sale and a community litter pick later on.
From 1pm the bowling club will be holding their Bowls Big Weekend event, so you can try your hand at bowling.
If you are interested in volunteering or want further details, contact
All proceeds will go towards the crowdfunding campaign for the lantern parade around the park later in the year.
If you would like to make a donation or find out more information, follow this link. The crowdfunder lasts for another seven days.
Calling out to any local businesses
Friends of Stanningley Park would be very grateful for any contributions towards our crowd funding or if anyone would like to donate any cakes or plants that would be great.
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