Kitchen improvements at New Wortley Community Centre, cookery clubs in Bramley and a Christmas market at Kirkstall Abbey could be awarded Leeds City Council funding.
Councillors on the Inner West Community Committee will meet next week to decide the latest grants to community projects in the area.
Applying for grants are:
Upgrade to New Wortley Community Centre – £8,000
Funding will be used to improve the kitchen and serving area, new flooring and cupboards for storage.
Fairfield Family Cookery Club, Bramley – £7,381
Flourishing Families would like to run a family cookery club as part of the Bramley Our Place partnership.

They will shortly be starting a cookery club in their fifth partnering school in Bramley and plan to build on the success of these in seeing positive changes to the diets and cohesion of families by running an after-school Cookery Club in the Fairfield Community Centre.
Christmas Market – Kirkstall Valley Development Trust – £3,000
The Funding is to provide a three-day Christmas Market at Kirkstall Abbey after a previous provider was unable to fulfil their plans. The long term aim is to secure Abbey Mills for community use. In the interim the ambition is to work alongside Kirkstall Abbey staff to create an affordable event for local residents which will be both enjoyable but will also reduce social isolation by engaging with people and signposting them to regular permanent regular activities to create a more supportive and resilient community.
Wortley Football Club – £3,250
Wortley Football Club are seeking funding to purchase materials for joinery, electrical, plumbing, plastering, flooring and decorating to complete the interiors of their changing rooms building.
The labour will be provided on a free of charge basis by tradesman associated with the club who will give up their spare time to assist them in completing the interiors of the changing rooms.
The club were given a similar amount of funding from the Outer West Community Committee earlier this month.
Armley Children’s Centre – £1,000
Supporting local families through gaining practical skills, improving chances for employment, helping families to access education, providing a safe space for parents to learn skills while their children are safe in a crèche, working with local providers to build confidence and self-esteem through building their knowledge and skill sets.
School parking signs, Leeds City Council – £4,000
To supply parking signs to schools in Armley, Bramley & Stanningley and Kirkstall to encourage parents to park in a more responsible manner, making the area safer for children and their families.
Drug Watch Foundation – £10,000
Drug Watch Foundation (DWF) provides drug and alcohol awareness information packs and workshops to children up to 19 years in schools and colleges, across England and Wales, educating them about the dangers, laws, health and social implications of drug and alcohol abuse.
Improvement to Kirkstall Road Recycling Point – £2,990
To provide a concrete pad and fencing to a recycling point in the Kirkstall Ward to make it safer and easier to use.
South Leeds Team Ministry Charity LTD Trinity – £1,150
Armley Helping Hands relies on Trinity Network to enable them to fulfil their lunch club’s obligations, which are critical to the health and wellbeing of older people.
The kitchen at Dewsbury Road provides Armley Helping Hands with 1,280 meals per year. This funding will be used to buy the necessary new cookers for Dewsbury Road to enable our hot meals service to continue to flourish.

Community Committees hold at least four public meetings a year, where ward councillors make decisions about services and priorities for the local area.
Community Committees also host a series of workshops which consider issues that concern you and explore how you can influence decisions on things such as environmental improvements, community safety, health and wellbeing and employment.
- Areas covered by this committee are:
- Armley
- Bramley and Stanningley
- Kirkstall
The committee also allocates funding every year to both community projects and youth activities. Small grants of up to £350 and large grants over £350 are available.
Not just Councillors – the Community Committee also includes a number of Co-opted members who represent the local community.