Plans for a new car sales pitch for 100 cars off Commercial Road in Kirkstall have been invalidated by Leeds City Council.
Applicant Peter Fearnley wants to build a car storage/car sales site next to the car wash on 58 Commercial Road – but the application suddenly disappeared from Leeds City Council’s planning portal without explanation.

But speaking at last night’s Kirkstall Neighbourhood Forum annual general meeting, Councillor Fiona Venner (Lab, Kirkstall) said that the application, which has attracted local opposition, had been invalidated. She said:
“This is because the applicant submitted three different site/boundary plans and, despite asking for confirmation as to which plan accurately reflects the site area, this information has not been forthcoming.
“If the applicant submits a valid site boundary, the application will become live again.”
Cllr Venner said that if the application became live, the 13-week determination period would start afresh and a new three-week consultation period with site notices. All previously made comments on the application would be carried over.
The Friends of Burley Mills and St Ann’s Woods and Wildlife group had expressed their concerns, saying the area is adjacent to the Kirkstall Wildflower Meadow.
There had also been other local objections, including all three Kirkstall councillors.
The proposals include the raising of ground levels by the importation of inert waste and the construction of retaining walls. Trees on the site were cut down in March 2018.
The Dispatch first reported on the application last month.