Fourteen crime issues the authorities are tackling in West Leeds will be discussed at a meeting tonight.
Crime and anti-social behaviour hotpsots include drug use in the Westerlys in Armley, problems with intimidating youths at Kirkstall Bridge Shopping Centre, student noise in Burley and tackling cannabis in the Broadlees in Bramley are mentioned in a council report highlighting the work Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team (LASBT).
LASBT is aservice comprising staff from Leeds City Council, Housing Leeds, Cleaner Neighbourhood Teams, West Yorkshire Police (WYP), West Yorkshire Fire Service (Arson Task Force), Leeds Youth Offending Service (YOS) and Victim Support.
Councillors on the Inner West Community Committee will hear about some of the work being carried out by LASBT to tackle local crime and anti-social behaviour.
A report to be debated highlights:
Armley ward
1. Hall Lane area – LASBT are currently taking possession action in the county court in relation to cannabis cultivation at a council property in the area.
2. Raynville Court – there had been an increase in reports of ASB and damage at this block of flats, allegedly perpetrated by groups of youths. Whilst the people causing the damage were unidentified, a number of youths were identified as frequenting the blocks and were engaged with by staff. At the same time, a closure order was gained that limited access to the communal areas of the flats. At present time, there have been no recent reported damages, or reports of the youths hanging around the block.
3. Clyde Estate – LASBT are currently in possession action in the county court in relation to a council property where there are numerous issues, including ASB, criminality, damage to the family home, and infringements of the Council’s policies on garden condition.
4. ASB and Mental Health Issues – At present, there are an increasing number of ASB cases across the city where there ASB issues being caused/experienced and mental health issues are a factor. LASBT are leading on a pilot which at present is solely running in the Armley ward area, to look at improved information sharing between partners (including health, and social care) in order to assist an effective, joint response.
5. Westerly Croft and Westerly Rise – There has been an increase in reports of drug use and fouling of the communal areas of these two multi-storey flats. The perpetrators are largely unidentified and transient. LASBT, in partnership with Housing and Police Officers from Operation Leodis are looking to tackle this issue, and will be looking at applying for closure orders which limit access to the communal areas of the blocks.
Bramley and Stanningley ward
6. Broadleas Estate – LASBT had been involved in legal action for possession of a home in relation to supply of cannabis, general ASB and intimidation, however prior to trial the tenant has voluntarily surrendered their tenancy. Evidence used to progress this case included CCTV footage from the Leedswatch static camera on the estate.
7. Rodley Area – LASBT are taking possession action in relation to cannabis cultivation at a council property in this area.
8. Fairfields Estate – LASBT are taking possession action in relation to stolen goods being kept in an LCC property in the area. These stolen goods are linked to vehicle crime/thefts in the wider area.
9. Broad Lane area – Consideration is being given to progressing injunction applications in relation to two youths from Bramley in relation to issues caused around their homes, and at Kirkstall Bridge Shopping complex. Discussions are ongoing.
10. Ganners Estate – LASBT are seeking an injunction in relation to a council tenant who is regularly subjecting his neighbour to racist abuse.
Kirkstall Ward
11. Kirkstall Bridge complex – groups of youths from Bramley are attending the complex and causing significant issues for shop staff and shoppers at the complex which includes disruption to the business, intimidation of staff, and causing damage around the precinct. Consideration being given to two injunction applications against youths from the Bramley area (see above).
12. Burley Greenhow area – following an initial complaint around abuse over parking issues, LASBT have uncovered numerous potential fraud issues in relation to a council tenant and are facilitating action between various agencies including DWP, HMRC, Trading Standards and the Police and have also liaised with authorities in Suffolk as issues have been identified in that area also.
13. Closure Order, Hawksworth Wood area – There is currently a closure order in place in relation to a property in the Lea Farms area of the estate which has been sought due to rowdy behaviour, drug use, and violence. The tenant, who is vulnerable, had lost control of the property and they are allowed to remain, but the order limits who can attend at the address.
14. Student noise Issues, Burley – LASBT currently have a specific officer dedicated to issues relating to the city’s student population, some of which falls into Kirkstall Ward, in particular around the Stanmores, and Beechwoods. Traditionally,  these peak at key points in the academic years such as freshers, end of exams, and end of term, and LASBT plan for these periods by increasing home visits to accused, and utilising daytime staff to bring additionality to the OOH noise service to proactively patrol and respond to ongoing noise issues in the predominantly student areas of Headingley, Hyde Park and Burley.
The crime and anti-social behaviour will be discussed as part of a workshop looking at how local problems can be tackled. West Yorkshire Police Inspector Sarah Towers and a representative from Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team will also speak and take part in a question and answer session.
The workshop will also consider the latest crime figures for the three ‘inner West’ wards of Armley, Bramley & Stanningley and Kirkstall.
The full report can be viewed in full here. The Inner West Community Committee will meet at West Leeds Activity Centre Lenhurst Avenue, from 6pm today (Wednesday). Members of the public can attend.