The bells of Pudsey Parish Church will be ringing out for Children in Need this weekend.
Eight ringers from the area will join forces to ring a peal of Pudsey Surprise Major, a special bell ringing method named after the town in 1924.
The peal (a continuous length of ringing, lasting approximately three hours) of the bells of Pudsey Parish Church will take place on Saturday, 7th October 2017.
One of the bell-ringers, Chris Dunford-Kelk, said:
“We hope to raise national awareness of bell ringing in a positive way, by bringing music to the ears of Pudsey dwellers as well as raising money for a great cause!”
A section of the ringing will also be recorded to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4’s Bells on Sunday.

To sponsor the bellringers visit their online fundraising page.
The eight church bells date back to 1824 and were recast and rehung with partly new fittings in 1957, by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, London.
New bellringers are always welcome.