By John Baron
Outline plans to establish the principle of housing on a former industrial site in Pudsey have been submitted to Leeds City Council.
Developer J Clifford, of Hilltop, has applied for outline planning permission to change the use of the former Pudsey Plant Hire site off Lumby Lane into up to 13 properties.
A planning statement submitted by the applicant concludes the land is suitable for housing. It added: “The site layout indicates that the existing access from Lumby Lane can be upgraded to the required highway standard and thereafter a layout can be achieved for an appropriate number of housing units.”
As the application is only an outline to establish the principle of the development, all other matters – including access and layout – would be determined by a full application at a future date.
The site has been in use for handling building plant and waste materials since at least 1962 and the transfer of waste materials was confirmed as an established use in 1992.
The plans, which are due to be decided by 28 April, can be viewed in full here.
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