Thursday, December 12, 2024
HomeNewsPolice tackle speeding drivers in Burley and Kirkstall

Police tackle speeding drivers in Burley and Kirkstall

Police are holding action days to address concerns about speeding drivers in Kirkstall and Burley.

They will target an area at a time for a number of hours and will be using their hand-held speed cameras. They will also be stopping cars to address motoring offences but is also part of a strategy to address county lines offences by disrupting potential criminal activity moving within the area.

They carried out their first session last Wednesday between 4pm and 8pm, stopped a number of cars and issued four speeding tickets around Eden Drive and Crescent, Queenswood Drive and St Anne’s Lane and Drive as the areas following local complaints about speeding.

Kirkstall councillor Fiona Venner has encouraged people to contact her with suggested areas to be targeted to catch people speeding. Cllr Venner is on


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