Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeNewsOfsted praise for Dixons Unity Academy turnaround

Ofsted praise for Dixons Unity Academy turnaround

Ofsted inspectors have praised a West Leeds school for turning around its performance.

Dixons Unity Academy in Armley was deemed inadequate by inspectors in March 2023 – but in its latest report this week the school has received a ‘good’ rating.

Inspectors praised the quality of education, personal development, leadership and management at the school, but said behaviours and attitudes still required improvement.

Their report said: “Staff have high expectations for pupils’ learning and behaviour. These expectations are being increasingly well realised. Pupils experience consistent routines and common approaches to teaching. This creates a strong focus on learning.”

Leaders have taken significant action to improve the quality of education at the Whingate Road school, providing comprehensive staff training.

Pupils benefit from orderly classrooms and improving behaviour on site, the report adds. “The majority of pupils respond to the clear expectations that staff set. Leaders address and record any instances of bullying or poor behaviour. Despite this, some pupils and their parents remain concerned about bullying.”

The school is working ‘ever more closely’ with pupils and their families to improve attendance. There are signs that this is beginning to improve. 

The report also says pupils benefit from high levels of pastoral and academic support. And the support for pupils with special educational needs was also praised.

Read the full report here.

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