Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsNew fast food restaurant to fund traffic camera at congested Kirkstall junction

New fast food restaurant to fund traffic camera at congested Kirkstall junction

By John Baron

A red light violation camera will be installed to catch people who commit red light violations at the main Kirkstall junction, it’s been confirmed.

The camera will be paid for by the developers of the new £2 million Burger King restaurant, which received planning permission earlier this month.

As previously reported by WLD, there has been a spate of accidents at the four-way junction that connects Kirkstall Road, Abbey Road and Kirkstall Lane, sparking road safety concerns.

In an update on social media, Kirkstall’s councillors said: “In addition to the yellow boxes we have installed with cameras to fine people who commit yellow box violations (sitting in the yellow box), a red light violation camera will be installed to catch people who commit red light violations at the main Kirkstall junction.

“This is being paid for by the developer of the new fast food restaurant at Savins Mill Way as they have to pay the council money for traffic improvements.”

“Yellow box” hatchings and new traffic cameras have recently been installed at the four-way junction, a move which was last week welcomed by local residents.

Councillors also say that the Highways department tested different sequencing of the lights at the main Kirkstall junction over the summer, but have not implemented these yet due to other work in the area, including the current closure of Morris Lane.

“Once Morris Lane has reopened and the traffic has settled, the changes will be put in place again – initially on Monday and Friday (to test them out when it is quieter) before a full implementation,” the councillors added.

The collapsed sewer on Morris Lane is still expected to take 10 weeks to repair (it is 7.5 meters underground) so Morris Lane is due to be closed until December.

A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) introducing new double yellow lines across the Kirkstall ward could soon be introduced following an informal consultation with residents.

The TRO will be formally advertised in four to six weeks, allowing residents to comment on the proposals. At the end of the month, sites with no objections will go to the lining team to put in the lines. Sites with objections go to a Highways Board meeting which includes the Chief Officer and Cabinet Member (Councillor) for Highways. A decision is made to amend or withdraw the lines, or the objections will be overruled and the lines put down.

WLD reported on the proposals in September.


  1. What are traffic cameras going to do to help a “congested junction?”…. Congested being the operative word and main problem in this area. Cameras can’t fix congestion!!!!!!!!!!!

    • No they won’t but they’ll bring in revenue from fines so all is well! They’ve also allowed hundreds of homes to be built up the hill to bring in more revenue. I’d like to invite councillors to sit in traffic coming down from Headingley to Kirkstall at 5pm and watch the lights go from green to red without a car moving. This is nothing to do with cars sitting in the hatched areas it doen to pathetic traffic planning.

  2. Ridiculous decision. Ever since the Kirkstall Bridge Shopping Park was built the congestion around that area is worse than ever. You now have that shopping complex, Halford and Starbucks etc and Morrisons and a petrol station already creating too much traffic and now a burger king drive through. Unless you’re planning to add more lanes and a better route across Kirkstall Bridge itself this is going to be a nightmare.

  3. If the decision makers in this matter had to use this area twice a day 5 days a week maybe a different outcome but after it’s already been turned down a u turn because they were threatened with legal action from Burger King just seems now if you object stuff gets passed anyway.
    Absolute joke of a council not considering any of the many negatives in this matter!!!!!


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