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HomeNewsLecture talks about need for electoral reform, ahead of 2024 elections

Lecture talks about need for electoral reform, ahead of 2024 elections

The Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, known to many as ‘The Phil and Lit’, is one of the city’s oldest established institutions, being formed in 1819.

Its lecture series invariably cover a wide range of subjects and it has always tackled controversial topics. 2024 will be no exception with a series of lectures on broad political topics that are vital to the year’s election agenda.

The first, at 6pm this Thursday, 4 January, will be given by Chris Graham, former UK Information Officer, on “Grown-up politics needs a grown-up voting system – our future depends on it: the case for electoral reform”.  The next lecture in this series will be given on Wednesday, 7 April by Sir Vince Cable on “Big Business and the Democratic Process.”

The lectures are held in the Maurice Keyworth Building in the Leeds University Business School and all are welcome. More information on these and other lectures is on the Society’s website:

Dr Rachael Unsworth, the Phil and Lit’s events officer, said: “The Phil and Lit may well be one of the oldest institutions in Leeds but over its more than 200 years history it has always been up to date with its programme of lectures on scientific, cultural and literary subjects. Recent topics have included Ukraine, Yorkshire Regional government, and press freedom.

“In 2024, being election year, the Society is presenting lectures on issues that should influence the political debate. All our lectures are open to everyone.”


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