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HomeNewsLearn to go “green” with Kirkstall Road social enterprise Seagulls Paint

Learn to go “green” with Kirkstall Road social enterprise Seagulls Paint

Would you like to live a “greener” lifestyle? Well, now you can learn how by taking part in a practical course at Kirkstall based social enterprise, Seagulls Paint.

Photo: Copyright Cat Hyde

The course will teach participants how to make alternatives to household cleaning products which they will be able to take home with them. They will also gain tips on how to make small changes to their home which will save them money as well as helping them be kinder to the environment.

The event is part of Seagulls refill shop: a zero-waste shop where customers bring their own containers to fill.

The cost of £20 also includes refreshments, 1 brown glass spray bottle and 1 clear glass swing top bottle to take away your products.

The course starts Thursday 25th July.

Tickets can still be bought via Eventbrite.


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