By John Baron
Councillors have approved an application for a licence to sell at The Hut restaurant on Kirkstall Lane, subject to conditions.
As previously reported Wenham Home Ltd applied for permission for alcohol sales from a serving hatch in the wooden shed at the top of Kirkstall Lane until 10.30pm daily.
Kirkstall Ward councillors and Ash Road Area Residents Association (ARARA) objected, saying it could lead to noise, litter and public nuisance. Concerns were also raised over the safety of drinkers at the premises, which is near a busy crossroads leading to Headingley Stadium.
Members of the council’s licensing sub-committee decided to approve the application, under the condition that there’ is no sale of alcohol at the premises during major events at Headingley Sports Stadium, with the exception of County Championship Cricket.
They also said alcohol could only be sold as a complement to food.
The applicant, Christopher Wenham, told the licensing hearing that the proposal to sell alcohol was to give people opportunity to have a glass of wine or beer with their food and had been in response to requests from customers: “We have had a lot of positive feedback from the local community.
“We just want to work with the community, with the authorities, so it’s a safe place for people. I genuinely don’t feel it would cause any nuisance to the residents.”
Councillor Hannah Bithell, Labour member for Kirkstall, was among the objectors. Whilst the use of the premises as a shop was welcomed she felt it was not appropriate as a licensed premises and raised concerns with the proximity to the highway and a major road junction.
Coun Bithell told the meeting: “It doesn’t, in my opinion, meet the licensing conditions.”
The council documents can be read in full here.
Ha ha! What a farce. “They also said alcohol could only be sold as a complement to food.” Will a scotch egg count as food? How about a packet of crisps. These ‘conditions’ are applied, but no one ever checks-up on them.
You couldn’t make this up. For a start, where are people going to park, there are double yellows outside these premises, and a bus bay opposite, and its right on a busy junction.
What is wrong with our society, though, that people have to be having alcohol all the time, surely organisations like the council should be helping to promote healthy lifestyle choices, not the availability of alcohol every few yards.
What is this strange establishment? At one point it seems to have been raided by police and appeared to be used as a lock up for stolen goods, including a motorcycle – a crime which is rife in the area, diners can watch them speed through the junction wearing balaclavas all evening while the police are unwilling to try and stop them.
The shed then seemed to sell bath bombs, candles, sweets etc. and now it is a food and drink establishment? Maybe the owners have some inside knowledge of public realm developments to make that junction less awful and dangerous and their business more viable?