Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsHelp needed to make Kirkstall Festival big success

Help needed to make Kirkstall Festival big success

It’s that time of year again when I shout out for volunteers to sell programmes at the Kirkstall Festival in the grounds of the historic Kirkstall Abbey, writes festival gates manager Richard Honey.

Those who have helped in past years know that this is one of the most important jobs at the Festival, raising the money that helps us continue to put on this fantastic community event.

If you’ve not volunteered before, you are guaranteed a great day out plus the warm glow of knowing you have made a massive contribution to the communities in and around Kirkstall.

Any help is welcome, from an hour to all day, your choice.

Volunteers who offer three hours and get a meal voucher to spend at any of the great food stalls on site.

If you are able to help it would be great if you could reply as soon as possible giving the times that suit you best. I will then contact you nearer the date with details of the exact sales location on site plus additional information on what to expect on the day.

Hoping to see you on Saturday 14 July.

E-mail if you can help.


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