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HomeNewsImprovements set for busy Kirkstall junction

Improvements set for busy Kirkstall junction

By John Baron

Traffic cameras and measures to improve traffic flow are to be implemented at a busy Kirkstall junction.

Kirkstall councillors Fiona Venner, Hannah Bithell and Andy Rontree met Highways officers last week, with the Bramley and Armley councillors, to discuss the main Kirkstall junction which affects all three wards.

As previously reported by WLD, there has been a spate of accidents at the four-way junction that connects Kirkstall Road, Abbey Road and Kirkstall Lane.

Cllr Venner (Lab) said: “This was due to concerns we have consistently raised about poor traffic flow through Kirkstall to Armley and Bramley and the alarming number of accidents at the junction this year. Most of the accidents are minor shunts due to yellow box and red light violations.”

She said the following is being put in place:

  • Cameras have been installed which will issue fines to people who stop in the yellow box at the junction.
  • Highways are applying to the Yorkshire Camera Partnership for enforcement cameras to also be able to fine people for red light violations.

Measures to improve traffic flow will take place in two stages:

  • Some of the timings of the lights are being altered over August when traffic is lighter to review how this goes. The changes will be implemented going forward from September if this improves flow.
  • Currently the lights operate on a cycle. Highways are looking at putting in vehicle detection so that the lights will respond dynamically to levels of traffic rather than being on a pre-programmed cycle.

Cllr Venner said the council is continuing to analyse patterns of accidents to identify if any more major reconfiguration of the junction is needed, bearing in mind that any changes can have a knock on effect elsewhere. A feasibility study will be carried out this financial year – by March 2025 – with a view to submitting a funding bid if major work is needed.

Traffic issues will be discussed at the Inner West Community Committee on Tuesday 3 September, 6pm-8pm at a venue to be confirmed.

In April, a spokesperson for Leeds City Council said there had been 14 recorded injury collisions at the junction in recent years, four of which were “serious”.

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  1. All this extra expense and disruption all because there are so many selfish and idiotic drivers on the road. Its a simple enough junction to work out, but no, there’s always someone who wants to do it their own way and s*d everyone else. Hopefully they will get the red light cameras, in my view they should be on every set of traffic lights across the city, as obeying the lights seems to be optional these days.

  2. Should make the whole area one giant roundabout with multiple lanes, Wyther Lane is always one big car park getting to kirkstall with lights not in sync etc


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