Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsHundreds take part in West Leeds spring clean

Hundreds take part in West Leeds spring clean

Hundreds of local residents from across West Leeds have taken part in community clean-ups as part of the Great British Spring Clean this weekend.

There were clean-ups in Armley, Bramley, Kirkstall and Rodley, with volunteers coming armed with litter pickers to fill bags full of rubbish. Community spirit is alive and well!

Here’s our guide to some of the community clean-ups:


There was a terrific turnout for the Pudsey Litter Action’s litter pick near New Pudsey Station yesterday – despite the rain!

Litter pickers in Pudsey. Photo: Pudsey Litter Action


Broad Lane was the subject of a community clean-up iver a couple of days. One volunteer said:

“Rome wasn’t built in day; The litter in Bramley certainly hasn’t disappeared in a weekend…. but we made a start and filled a few bags along the way – time well spent and much better than doing nothing.”

The tweet below shows the volunteers at work:

The group has now decided to hold regular clean-ups in the area, probably at the start of each month.

Cllr Kevin Ritchie (Lab, Bramley) also attended the clean-up. He said:

“There was a clear determination from people to continue the litter picking over the coming weeks to tackle some of the longstanding grot spots which blight some locations.

“The Bramley and Stanningley councillors will be investing some local funding to purchase additional bins in the ward. If anybody has any ideas of a location which would benefit from one please contact us via”


The monthly clean-ups around the River Aire by the TEam Kirkstall volunteers always proves a popular draw – and Saturday’s event proved no exception!


The Rodley community came together both Saturday and Sunday to do their bit to keep their village tidy.


Dog walkers who form part of the Armley Walkies Facebook group did a litter pick whilst out and about today, putting in a fantastic effort in Armnley Park and woods and Gotts Park golf course.

Armley Walkies Group picked up a lot of litter!. Photo courtesy Louise Cunningham/Facebook


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