Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsOpposition gathers pace over Bramley industrial units plans

Opposition gathers pace over Bramley industrial units plans

A petition with more than 200 signatures has been collected by residents concerned about plans to build three light industrial units with car parking.

The Bramley residents are already campaigning against plans to pull down protected trees on historic woodland in the Houghley Gill area and have been fighting a planning application submitted at Hill Top Commercial Centre for more than a year.

One of the campaigners, Stephaney Raee, joined with two mums on the nearbvy Whthers estate to campaign following road safety concerns about Houghley Lane.

She said a young child had recently been knocked off his bicycle at the point where the children have to cross to the schools Christ The King Primary and Raynville Primary. Ms Raee said:

“I drew up a paragraph saying why the objection was being made and the Wyther’s mother said she would stand on the corner of Wyther Park Road last Monday morning when the children were being taken to school. She arranged for another mother to cover the afternoon period.”

She also said householders on Kings Approach were concerned about the exit on to Houghley Lane. She added:

“I was told of near misses and blind spots on the bend and speeding commercial vehicles ignoring the 20 mph signs.

“By working together with the Wythers Estate, we obtained 200 signatures. I could not believe it.”

As reported last month, householders are horrified at the loss of trees protected by tree preservations orders (TPOs) and claim woodland on the small area of land affected dates back to at least the 18th century.

An arboricultural report submitted with the application suggests many of the trees have limited value.

Developers say in their submission that the ‘current ecological value of the site is low and there would be no detrimental impact to any European Protects Species or their habitat due to the development’. They also say increase in traffic would be minimal and the extra units would not cause noise disruption to residents.

Cllr Alison Lowe (Lab, Armley) said she was broadly in favour of the application as it led to the creation of new jobs.

The planning application and its documents can be read in full here.


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