Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsGreen light for scheme to tackle parking and road safety issues

Green light for scheme to tackle parking and road safety issues

A council scheme to make roads safer to local residents Farnley & Wortley ward has moved a step closer to reality after two objections to the proposals were overruled.

The traffic regulation orders include introducing parking restrictions at ten different sites around the Farnley & Wortley Ward to tackle problems with indiscriminate parking and improve highway safety.

The objections related to the proposed movement restrictions on Royds Lane and the displacement of vehicles due to proposed parking restrictions on the junction of Maple Fold with Maple Drive.

A council report overruling the objections said: “Introduction of one-way movement restrictions and parking restrictions will help restore sight lines for vehicles exiting junctions, preventing movements that raise the likelihood of accidents or collisions whilst preventing vehicles from parking in ways that cause obstructions, delays, or safety issues on the public highway.

“The proposals will displace a small number of vehicles throughout the nearby area as parking is removed, but this negative is mitigated by the safety benefits described above.”

The proposals, originally advertised last October,

The scheme proposes to introduce a package of works within the Farnley & Wortley Ward to improve access and the safe passage of traffic in the area, including restrictions on:

Maple Drive, Maple Fold, Chapel Lane, Maple Grove, Maple Croft, Greenthorpe Road, Pudsey Road, Green Hill Lane, Leysholme Drive, Green Hill Chase, Gamble Hill Drive, Gamble Hill Place, Queensthorpe Avenue, Henconner Lane, Tong Road, Back Lane, Kellett Crescent, Kellett Mount, Kellett Terrace, Kellett Avenue, Kellett Walk, Walker’s Lane, Stonebridge and Royds Lane.

The full report can be read here.

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    1. The changes to the junction of Maple Fold with Maple Drive are sensible. I feel much safer with them in place.


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