Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeNewsGreen light for residential and retail plan at former Armley pub

Green light for residential and retail plan at former Armley pub

A former pub on Armley Town Street will be converted to residential and retail use, after plans were approved by Leeds City Council.

Mr A Yeung has successfully applied to change to former Royal Hotel on Armley Town Street to a house in multiple occupation (HMO) with seven bedsits.

A HMO is a rental property where at least three people from more than one household live together and share toilet, bathrooms and cooking facilities.

The proposals include two retail units at ground floor, and external alterations to the building. The pub closed in early 2022.

A design statement submitted with the application said: “The existing building will largely remain untouched with the exception of the introduction of two doors in the front elevation. One will serve the smaller retail unit, while the second acts as main entrance to the HMO over.”

Three objections expressed concerns over too many HMOs in Armley, a negative impact on the area, fly tipping, fears over anti-social behaviour, lack of privacy and space and insufficient parking. There was one letter of support.

Approval was granted, subject to 12 planning conditions.

A council planning officer’s report concluded: “The application site is situated in a sustainable location with good links to employment and education institutions and as such is suitable for this form of housing in this respect.

“The external changes to the property are minimal and represent acceptable additions in design and character respects, subject to conditions.

“The proposal would now provide an acceptable level of amenity for future occupiers of the HMO, being of a sufficient size and layout to allow for a sufficient level of amenity and privacy to support day-to-day living.”

The number of bedsits in the building has been reduced from the eight originally proposed to seven.

The plans can be viewed in full here. WLD first reported on the proposals in February.

Plans: The former Barleycorn Pub, Armley. Photo: Google

Barleycorn plans approved

Retrospective plans for the subdivision of a first floor two-bedroom flat into two one-bedroom flats at the former Barleycorn pub in Armley Town Street has also been granted by the council.

A planning officer’s report concluded the work ‘the proposal ‘remains compliant’ with planning policy.

The plans can be viewed here.



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