Four West Leeds sites could be used for new local authority housing by Leeds City Council if senior councillors give the green light next week.
The council is looking to increase its stock of houses and members on the decision-making executive board next Wednesday.
Of the five sites which are set to be added to the list as potential council housing, four are in West Leeds. They are:
- Hough Top Court, Pudsey
- Former Richmond House care home, Farsley
- Burley Willows Care Home, Burley
- Land at Spen Lane / Queenswood Drive junction, Kirkstall
At least three of the sites have previously been reported as being considered for housing – Hough Top Court, Richmond House and Burley Willows and shouldn’t come as a surprise to local residents.
The report says: “Many of these sites are in wards where we have been unable to develop new council housing for some time and in higher value market areas where the delivery of affordable housing will have a positive impact.”
If the sites are approved in principle for housing, detailed proposals and full planning applications will still need to be submitted for each site.
The report includes an update on the progress being made in delivering the council’s direct housing delivery programme with 565 homes acquired, completed or in construction and a pipeline totalling just over 1,100 homes identified for delivery.

It’s worth noting that the TV Harrison Ground, off Oldfield Lane, in Wortley is still earmarked for council housing despite recent court defeats for the council and the listing of the site as an asset of community value. The report says 50 houses will be built by 2025.
The council is hoping to address some of the significant pressures on the Leeds housing market, with over 26,000 applicants currently on the housing register and more than 12,000 of those actively seeking more suitable accommodation.
The report says councillors in all the wards in which new sites are proposed have been asked for their views about the proposals for council housing. Their comments include:
Hough Top Court, Pudsey – all members were supportive of council housing being provided through a mixture of family housing and apartments and supportive of further surveys being undertaken to support the feasibility assessment of the site.
Richmond House, Calverley & Farsley – Members support council housing and would like to maximise the number of homes to meet local needs which include smaller households and family housing. Officers have been asked to develop options for new homes which might be prioritised to support the release of other existing homes within the Ward. Concerns were also raised regarding traffic management. Options are still under consideration and further discussions are planned with Ward Members.
Burley Willows Care Home, Little London & Woodhouse – Members support council housing and would welcome further discussion on the detailed proposals for new homes which will be arranged in the near future.
Land at Spen Lane / Queenswood Drive, Kirkstall – Members have responded to confirm their support for council housing but would like to explore whether some low value greenspace can be utilised as part of the new housing due to the availability of better quality and more accessible housing in the immediate vicinity of the site.
The report, to be considered by councillors at Leeds Civic Hall on Wednesday, 21 September 2022, can be read in full here.