A grade II listed former Victorian school currently used as offices by Leeds City Council is set to be sold off by the cash-strapped local authority.
Adams Court, on Kildare Terrace in Wortley, currently houses staff from Leeds City Council’s Children’s Services department but has been deemed as ‘surplus to requirements’.
Accommodation for Children’s Services staff that had occupied the building has been provided elsewhere within the council’s estate and the building has been empty from the end of last month.
The council says it is facing extra in-year pressures leading to an overspend of at least £29.6million for the current financial year and is constantly reviewing its estate.
A council report recommends the property be disposed of on the open market by way of public auction on 31 January 2024.
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I was sad to hear that “Adams Court” – previously Whitehall Road County Primary School – and a listed building – which I attended (from 4 to 9 years of age) was to be auctioned off by the City Council.
The school, which I attended from age 11 to 16, was also sold off in a similar way (West Leeds Boys High School).
I have not lived in Leeds since 1971 and it is a great pity that many of the older public buildings which are/were worth saving, are being sold to the private sector.