Flytipping has been removed from the site of a landmark Kirkstall Road pub which has suffered from floods, fire and vandalism.
Council officers today removed the dumped rubbish – which included builders’ rubble and a bath – from behind the Rising Sun pub. The rubbish is thought to have been dumped over the weekend.

The future of the pub building, which has suffered from vandalism in the past, is hanging in the balance.
Developer Mick Ackroyd wants to transform the upper floors of the Grade II Listed Rising Sun pub in Burley into apartments and restore and refurbish the ground floor as a coffee bar and lounge. But Leeds City Council planning officers say the boundary encroaches onto the existing greenspace and is therefore not policy compliant.

The Rising Sun was severely damaged by fire in 2013, has suffered from vandalism and drug use and its downstairs was left under several feet of water when the River Aire flooded on Boxing Day 2015.
The pub, which dates back to around 1895, has long since closed, reopening as a second-hand furniture shop in 2011.
Plans to de-list the late Victorian pub’s historic internal features and transform the building into six flats were refused by Leeds City Council planners in 2017. Planners said at the time the proposals to remove internal fittings would cause ‘substantial harm to the special character and significance of the listed interiors’.
The Grade II listed building featured on Leeds City Council’s ‘at risk’ list until it was taken off without explanation last year and has also come to the attention of civic watchdog Leeds Civic Trust, who would like to see it brought back into use.
The plans can be viewed in full here.
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