Cash-strapped Leeds City Council is set to sell the former Bramley Housing Office at auction – with two community organisations interested in running it.
A report published by Leeds City Council today said the building, which has been empty for about three years, was surplus to its requirements.
No date has been set for the auction and a price is yet to be formally set.
The two organisations – who have not yet been named – will have the chance to acquire the building either by taking part in the proposed auction or by submitting an acceptable bid beforehand. The council report adds:
“The property is surplus to requirements and no operational reason has been identified to justify its retention. In the circumstances, disposal represents prudent and economic asset management, obviating holding costs associated with managing the site.”
Two Bramley & Stanningley councillors have confirmed their support for the community organisations to have the chance to buy the property.
WLD reported in May 2017 that council chiefs were hoping to raise in the region of £325,000 from the sale of the housing office on the commercial market.

West Leeds Dispatch‘s Cutswatch series has been following proposed council budget cuts and building sales over the past 12 months here.