Labour’s Jools Heselwood comfortably held her seat in the Bramley & Stanningley ward at the 2019 Leeds City Council elections.

UKIP came a distant second in the poll.
Cllr Heselwood said:
“The three Labour councillors work really hard with the lcoal community, providing services for children, working with local groups and older people such as Bramley Elderly Action. They make sure we deliver our promises. Far Right groups keep challenging in Bramley but we reduce their vote year after year. They preach hate, while we deliver and work with communities and make a real difference.”
Turnout was 23.9%.
BEE Liz, Liberal Democrats 387
HESELWOOD Julie Caroline, Labour Party 1942 – elected
LOCKE Dean Andrew, English Democrats 109
LORD Clive Richard, Green Party 351
MURGATROYD Anne, The For Britain Movement 218
NANCOLAS Alex, The Conservative Party Candidate 417
WOODHEAD David Peter, UK Independence Party (UKIP) 581
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