The first properties at a new afforable home development at Copper Beech Avenue in Bramley are to be let this month.
The development, off Broad Lane, will provide 54 units of accommodation and will be a mix of one and two bedroom flats and two and three bedroom houses. All the properties will be available as affordable rents, managed by the Salvation Army Housing Association.
13 properties are complete and ready for occupancy, with the remainder becoming available later this month.
A council report approved last week says a quarter of the properties to be advertised based on housing need and
householders must meet one of the following criteria:
- In employment
- Overcrowded
- Under-occupied and freeing up a social rented home
- Customer with disabilities who needs adapted property to meet their needs
- Member or former member of HM armed forces
Another 25% will be let to people in order of registration, and all tenents will be expected to have a local connection with Bramley and have a good tenancy history.
Potential tenants will be vetted ahead of tenancy.
The report can be read in full here.