An annual contest to celebrate local talent in Bramley is now open for entries.
Bramley Challenge 2017 is a chance to share traditional skills and show off something you have made.
It’s run by Bramley Elderly Action and is open to anyone.
This year’s event will be at Bramley Lawn, off Rossefield Approach, on Saturday 30 September. The work entered goes on display for the public to enjoy from 12pm-2pm.

Bramley Challenge 2017 – categories
You can enter in any of the following categories:
Art (open)
Cake (1 cake)
Knitting (open)
Cross stitch (open)
Embroidery (open)
Model work (craft)
Flower arrangement (flowers from garden)
Flower arrangement (up to £5.00 spent on shop bought flowers)
Photography (any size print)
Savoury pie
It costs 50p per entry, with money going towards BEA’s work to support older people in Bramley.
More details on how to enter here.