West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) are looking to improve Bramley Bus Interchange by upgrading the facilities – and they would like to hear your views, writes Keely Bannister.
Situated on the edge of the shopping centre, the interchange is an integral location for many people who live, work or visit Bramley.

The proposed upgrades include:
• To provide an improved waiting environment and facilities
• To provide better travel information, such as real time information screens
• To provide enhanced, safe, pedestrian routes
• To allow buses only to access the interchange to improve safety, enforced by violation cameras
• To provide segregated loading/ servicing for the shops near the interchange
The main layout change will see stand D relocated to a new road which will be built through the grass which segregates Stocks Hill from Town Street. Two crossings will be added to create safe passage to this bus stop.
Detailed design will commence following the consultation with an aimed completion target of early 2020. Work to deliver the improvements is expected to begin in 2020 with the estimated cost of the proposed scheme being £440,000.
You can view the proposals by visiting the Your Voice website. You can comment on them here.
The consultation closes on Monday 14th October.