An application to sell alcohol at a shop in Armley has been approved by the council’s licensing committee – despite local concerns.
Applicant Ranj Rashid Raja applied for his Branch Road convenience store, off Town Street, to be able to sell alcohol to be drunk off premises.
Police and local councillors both objected to the proposals. In her objection, Cllr Alison Lowe cited ‘the scourge of street drinking’ which she says already blights the Town Street area. She said the addition of another off-licence would exacerbate existing problems.
The applicant argued that sales of alcohol accounted for only five per cent of his sales as a convenience store and would not create

Disappointed Armley councillor Alice Smart said although the objections weren’t enough to block the application entirely, they did win some concessions and the shop will not be allowed to sell single cans or sell alcohol after 8pm. Mr Raja had originally applied to sell alcohol daily between 9am and 11pm.
She told The Dispatch:
“We’re really disappointed. All three Armley councillors were present and we hoped to convince the licensing panel to refuse the application, but ultimately there were no legal grounds to refuse it. They had to look at that one full application and judge it.”
Cllr Smart said another application for an off-licence for a shop on Branch Road later in October. She added on Twitter:
Disappointed for #Armley residents that another off-licence has been approved despite objections from local councillors and @RachelReevesMP.
— Alice Smart (@Alice_Smart) September 29, 2015
We were however able to make some concessions- the new #Armley off-licence won’t be allowed to sell single cans or sell alcohol after 8pm. — Alice Smart (@Alice_Smart) September 29, 2015
#Armley councillors will continue to object to further off-licences as we are well aware of the serious problems alcohol causes in the area.
— Alice Smart (@Alice_Smart) September 29, 2015
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