Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeNewsArmley Tower Works plans are approved - but no decision on Pudsey...

Armley Tower Works plans are approved – but no decision on Pudsey houses

A former industrial site in Armley will be transformed into houses and apartments, councillors have agreed.

Developers KMRE Group will build an access road with 25 apartments and 26 three and four-bed family homes on the demolished Tower Works site, off Moorfield Road, after the council’s south and west plans panel approved the plans.

The decision came despite 12 letters of objection from local residents raise concerns about over development of the site, road safety, parking and impact on wildlife. Cllr James McKenna (Lab, Armley) also spoke about his concerns about the application.

But planning officers said in a report:

“The development is not considered to be harmful to the character and appearance of the area, nor would it have a harmful impact on highway safety and as a result.”

The proposal was approved, subject to a number of planning conditions, including a time limit of three years.

Pudsey housing plans deferred

A decision over controversial proposals for 52 houses off Galloway Lane in Pudsey was deferred by councillors.

Developer Berkeley Deveer wants to build the houses on land off Galloway Lane and has pledged to make 15 per cent of the properties as ‘affordable’.

There were calls at plans panel about whether a pelican or zebra crossing should be installed on Galloway Lane and local resident Russell Brody said he wasn’t opposed to the principle of the development and spoke of his concerns about the two-storey nature of the plans and houses overlooking his property. He also said there was a lack of bungalows in the plan for older people.

Councillors felt a presentation by ELG Planning lacked important information and deferred the decision for a month.







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