Thursday, December 12, 2024
HomeNewsLink: Have your say on Armley Park improvements

Link: Have your say on Armley Park improvements

Council chiefs are asking for ideas on how play facilities in Armley Park could be improved.

The public consultation is open to all to have a say on how the play area could be improved.

The consultation document says:

“With the support of your local councillors, funds have been made available to develop and improve facilities for children and young people in Armley Park.

“To help us build great play spaces, it would be great if you could fill in this questionnaire to tell us what you like to do.”

Have your say here.

Friends’ rose garden revamp

Meanwhile, a recent consultation into the future of the rose garden carried out by volunteers in the Friends of Armley and Gotts Park group has come back with several different suggestions.

armley park rose garden
Community-led revamp plans in the rose garden. Photo: Friends of Armley and Gotts Park

Ideas include creating community edible spaces and gardens, as well as incorporating nature into the plans. Many respondents want to see the space used for creative means, whether it is a space to sculpture, performance, films, theatre, bands, and mosaics.

Other ideas included new benches, picnic benches, BBQ areas and interesting structures and incorporating an orchard along the walls.

The Friends group is set to work with the council and the Wade’s Ranger to put together firm plans and submit funding applications to raise the money early next year.

The café in Gotts Park is also set to reopen.






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