Scaled-back plans to build a block of nine flats off Armley Town Street have been given the green light by Leeds City Council.
The plans have been reduced from 13 flats originally proposed for the disused site – at the back of William Hill bookies – back in February.
Approving the development, a planning officer concluded:
“It is considered that, following an ongoing process of negotiation to reduce the number of units from thirteen to nine, the number of storeys from four to three, and to increase the number of car parking spaces from six to eight, the development now broadly complies with policy and is not anticipated to result in harm to visual or residential amenity or generate additional demand for on-street parking which could not be met on-site.
“On balance, the scheme is therefore considered acceptable and is recommended for approval under delegated powers, subject to standard conditions.”
Access to the site would be provided by a gated access lane which runs along the northern boundary of the site through to Athlone Street.