Confirmed: New academy partnership to launch in Pudsey

Waterloo Primary. Copyright Betty Longbottom and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Two primary schools in Pudsey are to come out of council control to form a new academy partnership in the area.

Pudsey’s Waterloo Primary School and Primrose Hill Primary School will form the Owlcotes Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), according to a report seen by The Dispatch.

The council report has approved the commercial transfer of the schools away from the local authority, allowing the new academy trust to form on March 1. A group of schools form a single MAT, which has overarching responsibility for their governance.

The 125-year lease of the buildings and grounds of the two schools has also been agreed with the council.

A council report approving the transfer said:

“Negotiations have progressed well and have been concluded. Therefore the Commercial Transfer Agreement is agreed and ready for sealing/signing as appropriate.”



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