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New helpers welcome at 10th anniversary Bramley war graves clean up
By Mark Stevens
A group of volunteers who have been tidying up war graves at Bramley Baptist Church for the past decade are set to...
Volunteers target overgrown war graves in Bramley
Bramley residents can help clear away overgrown war graves at a community clean up event tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday).
Community volunteers from the Bramley War Memorial group will...
Pudsey tour remembers the fallen and marks Commonwealth War Graves Week
The first 2023 tour of Pudsey Cemetery proved a big success, with 13 people learning about the fallen and the work of the Commonwealth...
Meet the team behind the Bramley war graves tidy ups – can you help...
By John Baron
It doesn't feel like seven years since I last joined the hardy volunteers doing their bit to maintain neglected war graves in...
More volunteers sought for Bramley war graves clean-up
Can you spare a couple of hours every other Wednesday to join a dedicated group of volunteers in this worthwhile cause to keep war...
Will you join first Bramley war graves clean-up of 2022?
Words: Ian Johnstone
Can you spare a couple of hours every other Wednesday to join a dedicated group of volunteers in this worthwhile cause to...
West Leeds Spring Clean: How to join the Bramley war graves clean-up
Would you like to join a group of volunteers clearing away the weeds, grass and litter from Bramley's forgotten war graves?
Bramley Baptist War Graves...
Pudsey Cemetery war graves tour highlights heroic actions of fallen
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is running its first ever War Graves Week this year - and is running a special tour around historic...
Volunteers hold first Bramley war graves clean-up after lockdown
The first regular Bramley Baptist War Graves clean up session after lockdown was held yesterday.
The volunteers meet fortnightly to help keep the grass in...
Can you help at latest Bramley war graves clean-up?
A group of volunteers will hold their fortnightly clean-up of war grave in the churchyard at Bramley Baptist Church - and are encouraging more...
New date for Bramley war graves tidy up
A community-led clean-up and maintenance of war graves in Bramley has been rearranged after last week's snow caused the initial activity to be postponed.
Bramley: Join first war graves clean-up of 2018
UPDATED Jan 17: Today's clean-up has been cancelled and re-arranged for next Wednesday, January 24, same time and place.
ORIGINAL POST: Volunteers will gather for...